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What Does the Bible Say About Changing Your Heart?

What Does the Bible Say About Changing Your Heart? Christianity Changes Your Heart Ezekiel 36:26 In the Bible, “The heart” is a phrase used in many ways. But to boil it down really quick, according to the Bible, your heart is the deepest, truest you. Therefore when Jesus said that out of the heart comes evil actions ( Matthew 15:18-19 ), he was saying who we are determines what we do. Jeremiah 17:9  states the heart is deceitfully wicked. In other words, our identity is corrupt. We have a false, sinful nature apart from Jesus Christ. This is the reason the gospel offers us a new heart ( Ezekiel 36:26 ). In other words, God offers us a new nature. So what does the Bible say about changing your heart? Christianity changes our hearts, it changes our identity, thus it changes our lives. According the Bible, a Heart Problem Needs a Heart Solution At the core of basic Christian beliefs is the idea that people do not sin and then become sinners, they sin because they a

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